Friday 23 January 2009

Prison Break Cancelled

Earlier this month it was announced that Prison Break is finishing up after this last batch of episodes is shown, starting in a couple of months time. I’ve followed the show from the start, but I’m not really all that sad to see it go to be honest. Prison Break has been running around in circles for a long time now that the storylines feel staler than a week old loaf of bread. Nearly everyone has switched from being a goodie to a baddie and back again. Also every so often they get to a point in the plot where they are about to complete their objective yet something just stops them from doing so at the last minute. It's all too repetitive.

Ideally, they should have ended the show after the first series. It was great, exciting and something fresh. Maybe I could see an argument for the second series being necessary, if only for introducing the superb William Finchter to the cast. But certainly no more than that. It’s got to the point where I’m watching just out of vague interest or routine rather than being generally excited by it. The line from one of the studio executives was that the show had “run its course” which could not be more true. Even the title is redundant as they have been nowhere near a prison this season. Still, there is at least one good thing about the show ending; we won’t have to endure the talentless insufferable bore that is Dominic Purcell for much longer. And that’s a result.

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